Charles Spurgeon


J.C. Ryle, "I am not a bit ashamed to say that I often read the sermons of Mr. Spurgeon. Now when you read Mr. Spurgeon's sermons, note how clearly and skillfully he divides a sermon, and fills each division with beautiful and simple ideas. How easily you grasp his meaning! How thoroughly he brings before you certain great truths, that hang to you like hooks of steel, and which, once planted in your memory, you never forget!"

Flowers from a Puritan's Garden

Morning and Evening

The Treasury of David

Gospel of Matthew

A Defense of Calvinism

My Conversion

Christ's Glorious Achievements

Daily Help

Words of Cheer for Daily Life

Christ's Words from the Cross

Flashes of Thought!

Gleanings among the Sheaves

The Soul-Winner

Faith's Checkbook

Gospel Extracts

Feathers for Arrows

Barbed Arrows from Spurgeon's Quiver

Christian Training of Children

A Good Start!

All of Grace

According to Promise

Seven Wonders of Grace

Grace Triumphant!

Words of Warning for Daily Life

Words of Wisdom for Daily Life

Messages of Hope and Faith

Messages to the Multitude

Words of Counsel for Christian Workers

The Spurgeon Birthday Book

An All Around Ministry

Lectures to My Students

Christ's Incarnation, the Foundation of Christianity

God Always Cares!

The Mourner's Comforter

The Golden Alphabet

Storm Signals

Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress

We Endeavor!

Around the Wicket Gate

Advice for Seekers

Teachings of Nature in the Kingdom of Grace

The Clue of the Maze

The Bible and the Newspaper

The Spare Half-hour

Farm Sermons

Spurgeon's Catechism

Spurgeons Prayer Meeting Addresses

Only a Prayer Meeting

Spurgeon's Pulpit Prayers

The Pastor in Prayer

Behold the Throne of Grace
Charles Spurgeon's Prayers

Types and Emblems

The Present Truth

Trumpet Calls to Christian Energy

What the Stones Say

Speeches at Home and Abroad

John Ploughman's Talk

John Ploughman's Pictures

Faith! What it Is, and What it Leads to

Spurgeon's Anecdotes

Short Excerpts from Spurgeon

Eccentric Preachers


Spurgeon is the most widely read preacher in history. There is more Spurgeon material available today, than any other Christian
author, living or dead. We offer here, a very choice selection of Spurgeon's best books!

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